What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

I was confident in the knowledge and professionalism of the SERVPRO Franchise's onsite personnel who performed the services at my home.

I would use the SERVPRO Franchise who assisted me during this loss for future cleaning and/or restoration needs.

The technician was extremely polite, professional, knowledgeable and understanding.

SERVPRO personnel clearly explained the cleaning process throughout the duration of the job.

I would recommend SERVPRO to my friends

Guys did great job!

I was confident in the knowledge and professionalism of SERVPRO South Oklahoma City's on site staff.

Great Service.

I would recommend SERVPRO of South Oklahoma City to my family and friends.

I was impressed by the staffs on site presence.

Thomas was so knowledgeable and professional. I was very impressed by him.

Repeat customer. Very satisfied.

On-Site staff were prompt, courteous, and thorough.

I was confident in the knowledge and professionalism of the SERVPRO crew.

I was very satisfied with the services provided by the SERVPRO crew.

Only recommendation that I have is to Just keep doing a good job!

Curtiss was a great representation of SERVPRO and I appreciated his knowledge, efficiency, and professionalism!

We were impressed with SERVPRO's on site personnel.

The guys were extremely professional and courteous during the whole process. They went above and beyond their job description. All of these jobs are very stressful already, and to calm and reassure the client during is a great benefit.